فئة الآرشيفات: مفيدة معلومات مغناطيس

المغناطيس عملية التصنيع

Sintering Process of Magnets First:Melting The materials are exposed to mid frequency and melted in an induction furnace. ثانيا:Jet Milling After completion of various process steps, والمسحوق وسبائك الى جزيئات التي هي عدة ميكرون في الحجم. من أجل منع أكسدة من الحدوث, هي جزيئات صغيرة تحميها النيتروجين.   الثالث:ملح […]

الفرق بين كل مغناطيس دائم

The Diference between each Peramenent Magnets When purchasing magnets you will see two major types, rare earth or ferrite magnets. Sometimes, under the rare earth magnets, there are sub types like neodymium or samarium. Alnico is another type of magnet you might see listed. Rare earths tend to me more expensive, but why? What’s the […]

خيارات طلاء وطلاء مغناطيس النيوديميوم

Neodymium Magnet Plating and Coating Options The following is a list and description of available coating options for custom magnets. ملحوظة: لا يمكن طلاء المغناطيس بالكهرباء إلا قبل المغنطة. إذا تم اختراق الطلاء بعد المغنطة عن طريق التآكل أو المعالجة المتعمدة ، فلا يمكن إعادة طلاءها. يمكن عمل بعض الطلاءات مثل البلاستيك بعد المغنطة, If the […]

صفحة ملخص المغناطيس

Umagnets.comPull Force and Surface Field Data Discs and Cylinders Neodymium Disc Magnets (على سبيل المثال:D2x1mm means 2mm diameter x 1mm thickness) D1x1mm D1x2mm D1x3mm D1.5×1.5mm D1.5x2mm D1.5x5mm D2x0.5mm D2x1mm D2x1.5mm D2x2mm D2x2.5mm D2x3mm D2x4mm D2x5mm D2x6mm D2x10mm D2x15mm D3x0.5mm D3x1mm D3x1.5mm D3x2mm D3x3mm D3x4mm D3x5mm D3x6mm D3x7mm D3x8mm D3x10mm D1/8x1D4x1mm D4x1.5mm D4x2mm D4x3mm D4x4mm D4x5mm […]

Uses for Neodymium Magnets

Uses Of Neodymium Magnets Neodymium magnets are used for many purposes. They are used in industries, commercially and can even come handy around the house. Neodymium magnets are also used in the Medicine and Health fields for a large number of purposes. Industrial Uses Of Neodymium Magnets Neodymium magnets are often used in machines made […]

النيوديميوم مغناطيس معلومات

Neodymium Magnet Information Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets commercially available, anywhere in the world. They provide unparalleled levels of magnetism and resistance to demagnetisation when compared to ferrite, alnico and even samarium-cobalt magnets. HISTORY OF NEODYMIUM MAGNETS Neodymium magnets were first developed in 1982 by General Motors and Sumitomo Special Metals following the […]

Neodymium Magnet Safety

Neodymium Magnetic Health & Safety Important health & safety information regarding Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets. Liability UMAGNETICS (UMAG) does not accept responsibility for damage that has been caused by the improper handling of magnets. With the purchase of these magnets, you confirm that you have read and understood the following warnings. A health and safety warning […]

Magnetization Direction for Neodymium Magnets

Magnetization Direction for Neodymium Magnets Disc neodymium magnets About 95% of our discmagnets are axially magnetized. That is to say the magnetic poles are located on the two circular surfaces Some of our disc magnets are also diametrically agnetized axial diametrical Rod neodymium magnets Usually the magnetization in the rods is by the height. Our rod […]