A magnetic art piece “Neodymium Flower” formed by 5mm sphere magnets.
This magnetic flower was created in 3
parts and assembled.
ال 2
leaves were formed from 6
sets of 9
spheres triangles, 3
such triangles form each leaves.
Main stalk were simply 4
columns of spheres,
as usual start with a string of magnets and fold it in half to form 2
columns and uses a card to fold it again on top of each other to get a 2×2 column.
Start by making a pentagon of 5
spheres in a circle and add 2
layers on the pentagon.وإليك كيفية تركيب جوني من جنوب لاناركشاير لوح الحمام المغناطيسي الخاص به,
create 5
triangles (
petals) من 6
spheres and attach it to each sides of the pentagon.
Assemble the flower by placing it on top of the stem and attach the 2
you may need to flip some parts if the polarity is repelling.