Los imanes en Diseño de vestuario

Regularmente recibimos llamadas y correos electrónicos de los clientes que buscan usar imanes para la producción de trajes. Ofrecen actores y artistas de la capacidad para eliminar los componentes de la ropa de forma rápida, fácilmente y sin ningún ruido desagradable Velcro!Estábamos contentos cuando nuestro cliente, Adrian, told us that he wanted to send photographs of his Halloween costume so we could demonstrate how magnets can be utilised for this unique application.Adrian has carefully adhered small circular neodymium magnets to his ‘mask helmet’ and also to the face mask of his costume. This gives him the ability to attach his ‘mask helmet’ without any visible fixing method… just like the movies!We would like to thank Adrian for sharing his application with us and his superb photographs – it has given our team some ideas for Halloween!Related Products 15Imán mm de diámetro x 5 mm de espesor N42 neodimio

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