Neodymium Block Magnets 2mm x 2mm x 1mm thick N42 Super Strong Flat Rare Earth Rectangular Magnets for Sale Home Depot Amazon (200 Pakkaus)
Product Information
- block magnet length 2 mm, width 2mm, korkeus 4 mm Neodymium Rectangular Magnet N42 – holds0.06kg
- Materiaali: NdFeB
- Muoto: Lohko
- Pituus: 2 mm
- Leveys: 2mm
- Korkeus: 1 mm
- Toleranssi: +/- 0.1 mm
- Direction of magnetisation: through thickness (pole faces on the 2x2mm surfaces)
- Pinnoite: Nikkelipinnoitettu (Ni-Cu-Ni)
- Magnetisointi: N42
- Vahvuus: noin. 0.06 kg
- Max. Työskentelylämpötila: 80°C
- Pintakenttä : 2,700 Gauss
- Paino 0.03 g
Vahva Neodyymilohkomagneetit. Neodyymi (also known as “NdFeb”, “NIB” or “Neo”) block magnets are the most powerful rare-earth magnets available today. Available in block and cube shapes, Neodymium magnets have magnetic properties that far exceed all other permanent magnet materials. They are high in magnetic strength, moderately priced and able to perform well in ambient temperatures. Seurauksena, they are the most widely-used Rare-Earth magnets for industrial, technical, commercial and consumer applications.
Our Magnet Shop offers a large inventory of licensed neodymium magnets available for online purchase at bulk discounted prices. Strong Neodymium Disc Magnets. Round Circle Magnets are made from the strongest magnetic material, Neodyymi (NdFeB). Available in various sizes from 1mm diameter to over 120mm diameter. Neodyymilevymagneetteja löytyy yleisesti myyntipisteiden näyttöyksiköistä, paperitavarakansiot, mittakaavassa malleja ja teollisia sovelluksia. Neo Disc Magnets are truly versatile and are used as widely in homemade arts and crafts as they are in high-end technology and engineering applications.
Extremely strong magnet for its small, compact size. Neodymium disk magnets are solid and do not have a center hole so mounting requires glue, adhesive and/or counter boring. The neodymium magnetic material is nickel coated to provide resistance to corrosion and the silver or chrome finish can be quite useful for aesthetic requirements.
Small yet useful little rectangle magnets. Perfectly sized for closures on garments and bags. Crafts. Experiments. The list goes on and on…
Strong neodymium rare earth block/bar magnets are incredibly powerful for their size and ideal for use in manufacturing, science experiments, woodworking, käsitöitä, DIY and hobby projects.
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