N52 Super vahvat suorakaiteen muotoiset magneetit 150 mm x 10 mm x 5 mm paksu magneetti Harvinaisen maametallin neodyymilohkomagneetit askartelumalli noin 6″ pitkä baari Myynti
These long blocks can be used for any number of applications where a long magnet is needed. Their long, thin shape makes them easier to break than most neodymium magnets. Two of them slamming together will almost guarantee damage to both magnets, so they must be handled carefully.
Nämä isot, extremely powerful thin rectangular neodymium magnets are axially magnetised between the two 150mm x 10mm rectangular faces and provide an incredible pull force. Jokainen magneetti on päällystetty kolmella nikkelikerroksella, kupari ja nikkeli takaavat erinomaisen korroosionkestävyyden ja sileän ja puhtaan pinnan. Our neodymium magnets have many creative uses plus they are widely used in engineering and manufacturing where small size and maximum strength are required. What’s more, because of their resistance to demagnetisation they are ideal for creating a shock-absorbing or damping effect when used to repel other magnets.
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