How are steel strike plates and magnets used most effectively?
Steel discs (often called strike plates) offer added flexibility when working with magnets. They can be used in place of a magnet in some applications because they make an ideal target for other magnets to attract to and attach with. This can dramatically lower your production or project expenses as steel discs cost significantly less than magnets.Due to their ultra thin profile, 이 빈 강철 디스크는 다양한 자기 어획을 만드는 데 사용될 수 있습니다., 래치, packaging and box closure mechanisms – again, 추가 자석 비용없이.결과, these discs are ideal for a wide array of custom cabinetry creations, 스크랩북 첨부 파일, door closures, 사인 및 배너 체류 - 가구의 폐쇄 메커니즘뿐만 아니라, 수화물, 바지, 홀스터, 벽걸이, 커튼과 방수포.최상의 결과를 얻으려면, 스틸 디스크가 직경의 부착 자석보다 약간 큰 것을 권장합니다..Automatic Centering
You should also consider another difference that isn’t reflected in the pull force or price. When you stick two magnets together, there are lateral forces that act to pull the magnets to center upon one another. This is not the case with steel discs.Steel discs and magnets will not attempt to center themselves on their own when they are combined. Instead of drawing toward the center, the magnet will attach to any point on the steel object. This is ideal if you’re making a latch and the magnet’s position might change slightly. Despite the slight misalignment, the force will be roughly the same so long as the steel strike plate that is larger than the magnet.