네오디뮴 자석의 자화 방향

네오디뮴 자석의 자화 방향

Disc neodymium magnets

약 95% of our discmagnets are axially magnetized. That is to say the
magnetic poles are located on the two circular surfaces
Some of our disc magnets are also diametrically agnetized


Rod neodymium magnets

Usually the magnetization in the rods is by the height. Our rod magnets with diametrical magnetization



Ring neodymium magnets

Also most rings are axially magnetizedWe offer the following rings with diametrical magnetization



블록 네오디뮴 자석

Normally Blockmagnets are magnetized by the height (축)Some of our blockmagnets are in the longitudinal direction magnetized.

neodymium Cubes neodymium Spheres

As well as the blockmagnets, our cubes are in the height magnetizedThe magnetic poles of the spheres are opposed

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