Categorie archieven: toepassingen

Unlocking the Magic of Cat-Eye Nail Art: How Magnetic Tools Create Mesmerizing Designs

IntroductionIn 2025, cat-eye nail art continues to dominate global beauty trends, with a 37% surge in Google searches for magnetic nail techniques. This hypnotic style mimics the iridescent glow of gemstones using specialized nail magnet tools and magnetic powder gel. Let’s explore how this technology works and why it’s a must-try for nail enthusiasts. The Science Behind Magnetic Nail Design […]

Creative Buckyballs Shapes For You

Je zag de creaties van het geweldige Buckyballs Magnet-bouwspeelgoed en de manier waarop ze op magische wijze in elkaar klikken in symmetrische vormen met patronen, en draai ze, zet ze, combineer ze op nieuwe manieren voor echt fantasierijke desktopcreaties. Maak uw Creative Buckyballs Shapes met deze super sterke neodymium magnetische ballen. Het hebben van meer dan één set is leuk omdat […]

Cement eierdopje met magnetische lepelhouder

Materiaal nodig voor 5 eierdopjes 8 kubusmagneten 10 mm 2 rijpe avocado's 4 hard-boiled eggs Arts & crafts cement Knife Vegetable oil Sandpaper Gold and silver paint Paintbrush Teaspoon Instructions Step 1 Snijd de avocado's in lengte, Verwijder de put en schraap het groene vlees eruit. Tip: Avocado Flesh zorgt voor romige guacamole … MHHH!   Stap 2 […]

Paar betonnen oogmagneten. Koel, griezelige oogbollen.

I have here a pair (2) of concrete fridge magnets in the shape of eyes. The capillaries are red, which is a pigment in the concrete. They are sealed with an acrylic. Because these are handmade and concrete there are some surface imperfections. There are two magnets epoxied to the back of each, and they […]

Neodymium Flower

Magnetisch kunstwerk “Neodymium Bloem” gevormd door 5mm knikkers. This magnetic flower was created in 3 parts and assembled. Leaves: De 2 leaves were formed from 6 sets of 9 spheres triangles, 3 such triangles form each leaves. Stalk: Main stalk were simply 4 columns of spheres, as usual start with a string of […]

Block en Disc Magneten Zeer geschikt voor het organiseren van kabels

Kabels van verschillende mobiele apparaten zoals tabletten, powerbank, smart phones, fitness tracker etc. kan snel frituren een anders nette tafel of krijgen in een frustrerende kluwen. Onze klant Emily deelde deze foto van hoe ze gebruikt NdFeB Ronde en de schijf neodymium magneten om haar gadgets kabels organiseren. Some USB and Micro USB cables tips […]

Kogelmagneten Baggu

Sphere Magnets Baggu Another interesting object created using only sphere magnets from our very creative user Wendy – A Magnetic Baggu! What I found interesting is the flap of this baggu can be opened and closed just like a regular bag. I wonder what’s inside the baggu. ???? Sorry folks, we do not have the exact steps […]

Pot Neodymium magneet voor het houden van Motorcycle Tank Bag

Motorcycle Tank Bags, handige tas met magnetische kleppen ontworpen om aan te hechten aan een motorfiets tank. Nette en snelle manier om de tas te beveiligen zonder bandjes, werkt prima wanneer de zak leeg is of licht geladen. Pack in meer spullen en de meeste rijders realiseerde zich dat de zakken oorspronkelijke magneten zijn niet zo sterk en veilig als ze […]

Fix Broken Air-conditioner Cover met magneten

Fix Broken Air-conditioner Cover met Magneten Fix gebroken air-conditioner cover met magneten. I’ve seen it numerous times, missing air-conditioner cover, cover duct taped to to the blower unit, using a twisted wire to hold the cover in place, slanted ill fitting air-conditioner covers (no repair attempted, just hanging there with the remaining hinge)… These are […]

Magneten in Costume Design

We regularly receive calls and emails from customers who are looking to use magnets for producing costumes. They offer actors and artists the ability to remove components of clothing quickly, easily and without any nasty Velcro noise! We were pleased when our customer, Adrian, told us that he wanted to send photographs of his Halloween […]

Het verschil tussen elke permanente magneten

Het verschil tussen elke permanente magneten Bij het kopen van magneten ziet u twee hoofdtypen, rare earth or ferrite magnets. Sometimes, under the rare earth magnets, there are sub types like neodymium or samarium. Alnico is another type of magnet you might see listed. Rare earths tend to me more expensive, but why? What’s the […]

Neodymium magneet Plating en Coating Opties

Neodymium Magnet Plating and Coating Options The following is a list and description of available coating options for custom magnets. Notitie: Magnets can only be electro-plated before magnetization. if the plating is compromised after magnetization via abrasion or deliberate machining they cannot be re-plated. Some coatings such as plastic may be done after magnetization, If the […]

Enkele interessante toepassingen van magneten uit zeldzame aardmetalen

Hier zijn enkele van de vele antwoorden die onze klanten om de vraag te hebben gegeven, “What do you plan to use these magnets for?” Obviously, some of these uses are quite valid while others are a tad silly. If you come up with a clever use of our magnets, feel free to take pictures and […]

Maakt gebruik van Neodymium magneten

Neodymium-magneten worden voor veel doeleinden gebruikt. Ze worden gebruikt in industrieën, commercieel en kan zelfs van pas komen in huis. Neodymium-magneten worden ook voor een groot aantal doeleinden in de geneeskunde en gezondheid gebruikt. Industrial Uses Of Neodymium Magnets Neodymium magnets are often used in machines made for the health industry. […]

De top 10 Toepassingen voor Neodymium magneten

Neodymiummagneten zijn ongelooflijk divers en je kunt ze in veel industrieën vinden. Hier zijn de 11 meest voorkomende plaatsnamen zien we dan. Magneten zijn overal om je heen, geven de helpende hand om duizend items in uw dagelijks leven. Hoeveel van deze gebruik je? 1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRIs are medical imaging devices […]

Voorbeelden van toepassingen met behulp van Neodymium magneten

Computer Hard Drive Magnets Microphones Headphones Dentures Loudspeakers Magnetic Pump Couplings Door Catches Magnetic Suspension Motors (bv. washing machines, drills, food mixers, vacuum cleaners, hand dryers) Generators (bv. Wind turbines, Wave Power, Turbo Generators, enz) Sensors Orthopaedics Halbach Arrays Jewellery Healthcare MRI and NMR Magnetic Separators TWT (Transverse Wave Tube) Magnetic Bearings Lifting Apparatus Limpet […]

3D Imaging Magneten

3D Laser scanning is becoming increasingly popular as a fast method for gathering 3D digital data for any given object. Placing small reflectors onto any object and then scanning It using a 3D laser can allow you to build a complete digital 3D model of that object. David, from CADMAN recently contacted us to tell […]

Aanbrengen van een magnetisch bevestigbaar bath panel

Aanbrengen van een magnetisch bevestigbaar bath panel

Als u veel tijd en moeite hebben gestoken in het terugplaatsen uw badkamer, you will have undoubtedly considered a suitable decorative bath panel to cover the unsightly void beneath your bath. Nobody wishes to see ugly screw heads holding a panel in place, and what’s more, if your tub springs a leak it will take […]

Maak een compacte magnetische mes rack voor een caravan of camper


Magnetic knife racks are just as useful in a caravan or campervan as they are in your kitchen. When space is at a premium, magnets can be used to create bespoke solutions to fit any area. When Sue from Bedfordshire approached us with her dilemma we were only too happy help. Sue, an avid cararvan’er […]

Magnetische Meshouder

Making a Magnetic Knife Holder Constructing a Magnetic Knife Holder is a popular project using our neodymium magnets. In this article, we’ve built our own using simple construction methods. Find out more about what size magnets you need, how many, en veel meer. Materialen & Equipment Materials include: Wood, magneten, Glue/Adhesive and Screws. Tools include: […]

De magneten maken kleding wijzigingen mogelijk

Net zoals mensen, kleding komt in alle soorten en maten, but for people with a disability or restricted movement due to old age, sometimes regular clothing just isn’t suitable. In situtations like this, adaptive clothing is required. Thankfully, there is Dressability. A UK charity based in Swindon who, thanks to their team of supremely talented […]

Foto Magneet

Creating your own fridge magnets is a great fun home project and a way to turn old and new photographs into keepsakes. We speak to customers on weekly basis who are interested in creating fridge magnets for professional uses and hobbies. We all take photographs to remember our happiest memories, but our customer Toni has […]