Forskjellen mellom hver permanent magnet Når du kjøper magneter, vil du se to hovedtyper, rare earth or ferrite magnets. Sometimes, under the rare earth magnets, there are sub types like neodymium or samarium. Alnico is another type of magnet you might see listed. Rare earths tend to me more expensive, but why? What’s the […]
tag Archives: NdFeB
Informasjon om neodymmagneter Neodymmagneter er de sterkeste permanentmagnetene som er kommersielt tilgjengelige, anywhere in the world. They provide unparalleled levels of magnetism and resistance to demagnetisation when compared to ferrite, alnico and even samarium-cobalt magnets. HISTORY OF NEODYMIUM MAGNETS Neodymium magnets were first developed in 1982 by General Motors and Sumitomo Special Metals following the […]