Archiwa tagów: dysk

Block and Disc Magnets Great for Organizing Cables

Cables from different mobile devices such as tablets, powerbank, smart phones, fitness tracker etc. can quickly mess up a otherwise neat table or get into a frustrating tangle. Our customer Emily shared this photo of how she used NdFeB Round and disc neodymium magnets to organize her gadgets cables. Some USB and Micro USB cables tips […]

Podsumowanie Page magnes – Siła ciągnienia i powierzchni Pole danych tarcze i cylindry neodymowe magnesy Disc (na przykład:D2x1mm oznacza 2mm średnicy x 1mm grubości) D1x1mm D1x2mm D1x3mm D1,51×1.5mm D1.5x2mm D1.5x5mm D2x0.5mm D2x1mm D2x1.5mm D2x2mm D2x2.5mm D2x3mm D2x4mm D2x5mm D2x6mm D2x10mm D2x15mm D3x0.5mm D3x1mm D3x1.5mm D3x2mm D3x1mm/86mm D3mmx3x3mm D″x1″ gł4x1mm gł4x1,5mm gł4x2mm gł4x3mm gł4x4mm gł4x5mm […]