IntroductionIn 2025, cat-eye nail art continues to dominate global beauty trends, with a 37% surge in Google searches for magnetic nail techniques. This hypnotic style mimics the iridescent glow of gemstones using specialized nail magnet tools and magnetic powder gel. Let’s explore how this technology works and why it’s a must-try for nail enthusiasts. The Science Behind Magnetic Nail Design […]
Category Archives: aplicações
Ímãs de anel diamétrico: Orientação Inovadora para Soluções Magnéticas Personalizadas
You saw the creations of the awesome Buckyballs Magnet building Toy and the waythey magically snap together in symmetrical and patterned shapes, e torce-los, transformá-los, combine them in new ways for truly imaginative desktop creations. Faça seu Creative Buckyballs Formas com essas bolas magnéticas de neodímio Super fortes. Having more than one set is nice because […]
Material necessário para 5 copos de ovo 8 cubo ímãs 10 milímetros 2 abacates maduros 4 hard-boiled eggs Arts & crafts cement Knife Vegetable oil Sandpaper Gold and silver paint Paintbrush Teaspoon Instructions Step 1 Cut avocados length-wise, remove the pit and scrape out the green flesh. Gorjeta: Avocado flesh makes for creamy guacamole … mhhh! Step 2 […]
Tenho aqui um par (2) de frigorífico concretas ímãs em forma de olhos. Os capilares são vermelhas, que é um pigmento no concreto. Eles são selados com um acrílico. Porque estes são feitos à mão e concreto existem algumas imperfeições superficiais. Há dois ímãs epoxied à parte de trás de cada, e eles […]
Uma obra de arte magnética “Flor de Neodímio” formada por ímãs esféricos de 5 mm. This magnetic flower was created in 3 parts and assembled. Leaves: o 2 leaves were formed from 6 sets of 9 spheres triangles, 3 such triangles form each leaves. Stalk: Main stalk were simply 4 columns of spheres, as usual start with a string of […]
Cables from different mobile devices such as tablets, powerbank, smart phones, fitness tracker etc. can quickly mess up a otherwise neat table or get into a frustrating tangle. Our customer Emily shared this photo of how she used NdFeB Round and disc neodymium magnets to organize her gadgets cables. Some USB and Micro USB cables tips […]
Sphere Magnets Baggu Another interesting object created using only sphere magnets from our very creative user Wendy – A Magnetic Baggu! What I found interesting is the flap of this baggu can be opened and closed just like a regular bag. I wonder what’s inside the baggu. ???? Sorry folks, we do not have the exact steps […]
Motorcycle Tank Bags, nifty bag with magnetic flaps designed to attach on to a motorcycle tank. Neat and fast way to secure the bag without any straps, works fine when the bag is empty or lightly loaded. Pack in more stuff and most riders realized that the bags original magnets aren’t as strong and secure as they […]
Fix Broken Air-conditioner Cover with Magnets Fix broken air-conditioner cover with magnets. Eu já vi isso várias vezes, faltando tampa de ar-condicionado, duto de cobertura colado à unidade de ventoinha, usando um fio torcido para manter a tampa no lugar, inclinada doente encaixe tampas de ar condicionado (nenhum reparo tentativa, apenas pendurado lá com a dobradiça restante)… These are […]
We regularly receive calls and emails from customers who are looking to use magnets for producing costumes. They offer actors and artists the ability to remove components of clothing quickly, easily and without any nasty Velcro noise! We were pleased when our customer, Adrian, told us that he wanted to send photographs of his Halloween […]
The Diference between each Peramenent Magnets When purchasing magnets you will see two major types, rare earth or ferrite magnets. Sometimes, under the rare earth magnets, there are sub types like neodymium or samarium. Alnico is another type of magnet you might see listed. Rare earths tend to me more expensive, but why? What’s the […]
Neodymium Magnet Plating and Coating Options The following is a list and description of available coating options for custom magnets. Nota: Os ímãs só podem ser galvanizados antes da magnetização. se o chapeamento for comprometido após a magnetização por abrasão ou usinagem deliberada, eles não podem ser rechapeados. Alguns revestimentos, como o plástico, podem ser feitos após a magnetização, If the […]
Aqui estão algumas das muitas respostas que nossos clientes deram à pergunta, “Para que você planeja usar esses ímãs??” Obviamente, alguns desses usos são bastante válidos, enquanto outros são um pouco bobos. Se você descobrir um uso inteligente de nossos ímãs, feel free to take pictures and […]
Neodymium magnets are used for many purposes. Eles são usados em indústrias, comercialmente e pode mesmo vir a calhar em torno da casa. Ímãs de neodímio também são usados nos campos da medicina e da saúde para um grande número de propósitos. Industrial Uses Of Neodymium Magnets Neodymium magnets are often used in machines made for the health industry. […]
Neodymium magnets are incredibly diverse and you can find them across many industries. Here are the 11 most common places we see then. Magnets are everywhere around you, giving helping hand to thousand of items in your everyday life. How many of these do you use? 1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRIs are medical imaging devices […]
Computer Hard Drive Magnets Microphones Headphones Dentures Loudspeakers Magnetic Pump Couplings Door Catches Magnetic Suspension Motors (por exemplo. washing machines, drills, food mixers, vacuum cleaners, hand dryers) Generators (por exemplo. Wind turbines, Wave Power, Turbo Generators, etc) Sensors Orthopaedics Halbach Arrays Jewellery Healthcare MRI and NMR Magnetic Separators TWT (Transverse Wave Tube) Magnetic Bearings Lifting Apparatus Limpet […]
3D Laser scanning is becoming increasingly popular as a fast method for gathering 3D digital data for any given object. Placing small reflectors onto any object and then scanning It using a 3D laser can allow you to build a complete digital 3D model of that object. David, from CADMAN recently contacted us to tell […]
Se você colocar um monte de tempo e esforço para voltar a montar sua casa de banho, you will have undoubtedly considered a suitable decorative bath panel to cover the unsightly void beneath your bath. Nobody wishes to see ugly screw heads holding a panel in place, and what’s more, if your tub springs a leak it will take […]
Magnetic knife racks are just as useful in a caravan or campervan as they are in your kitchen. When space is at a premium, magnets can be used to create bespoke solutions to fit any area. When Sue from Bedfordshire approached us with her dilemma we were only too happy help. Sue, an avid cararvan’er […]
Making a Magnetic Knife Holder Constructing a Magnetic Knife Holder is a popular project using our neodymium magnets. In this article, we’ve built our own using simple construction methods. Find out more about what size magnets you need, how many, e muito mais. Materials & Equipment Materials include: Wood, ímãs, Glue/Adhesive and Screws. Tools include: […]
Just like people, clothing comes in all shapes and sizes, but for people with a disability or restricted movement due to old age, sometimes regular clothing just isn’t suitable. In situtations like this, adaptive clothing is required. Thankfully, there is Dressability. A UK charity based in Swindon who, thanks to their team of supremely talented […]
Criando seus próprios imã de geladeira é um grande projeto divertido casa e uma maneira de transformar fotografias antigas e novas em lembranças. Nós falamos para os clientes em base semanal que estão interessados na criação de ima de geladeira para usos profissionais e hobbies. Todos nós tirar fotografias para lembrar nossas memórias mais felizes, mas nosso cliente Toni tem […]