Блок и диск Магниты Большой по организации кабелей

QuikDisc™ and Disc Magnets Great for Organizing CablesКабели от различных мобильных устройств, таких как таблетки, POWERBANK, смартфоны, фитнес-трекер и т.д.. может быстро испортить в противном случае аккуратной таблицы или попасть в разочарование клубка. Наш клиент Эмили разделяет эту фотографию, как она использовала NdFeB Round и диск неодимовые магниты, чтобы организовать ее гаджеты кабели. Some USB and Micro USB cables tips are made of ferrous metal and so are some tables legs and frames. This makes it an ideal place to attach pieces of small disc magnets to the table frame for lining up USB cables when not in use. Unlike clumsy clips or holder that requires effort to slot in or remove the cables, neodymium magnets is a much neater and effective choice as you can shift position, add or remove magnets as your cables increases, easily attach or remove cables in split seconds, leave no sticky residue and is totally reusable. For those cables that are not natively attachable to magnets, she uses UMAGNETS NdFeB Round Dia. 10x1mm or NdFeB Round Dia. 8×0.7mm – Disc magnets with 3M adhesive on 1 side. The 3M sticky adhesive side is pasted on a clean flat surface of the USB cable (leave the adhesive magnet to cure overnight for stronger, more permanent adhesion). Now the cable end with the magnet can be attached on to any ferrous metal surfaces. For some tricky plastic surface that doesn’t bond well with any adhesive, we recommend 3M Primer 94 Adhesion Promoter, applied to the area to be bonded and leave it to dry for 5 minutes before sticking the adhesive magnet.

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