Вот некоторые из многих ответов, что наши клиенты дали на вопрос, “What do you plan to use these magnets for?” Obviously, some of these uses are quite valid while others are a tad silly.

If you come up with a clever use of our magnets, feel free to take pictures and send them to us. If we like them, we might add them to the customer-contributed section of our demo page. пожалуйста, обратите внимание, however, that by sending us images and ideas, you are implicitly giving us permission to use them as we please.


  • Part of the magnetic gasket on my freezer door died and it leaves a long gap when the door is closed. I put small slits along the gasket and slipped 3/8″ х 1/16″ magnets into the slits. No immediate help was noted, but the next morning the gap was closed. The gasket works fine now.
  • Doing some tinkering
  • I used them for the Magnetraction on one of my Lionel Hudson steamers, never worked better, now holds the rail better than when new.
  • giving my workmates fits in the cubicle next to me by messing with their monitor when I get bored
  • Pulling free ions from the sparkgap of my Tesla Coil
  • Hold directions to my motorcycle gastank so they don’t come off at 100mph
  • making abuff strongmanlook like a fool by not being able to separate a silly stack of magnets by pulling them directly apart
  • Hi! I thought you’d get a kick out of my useage of your magnets. A few months ago I ordered a stack of 12 1/2″ дисковые магниты. I stacked them into a cylinder, and slipped them into a PVC tube. The tube was wound to 2x the length of the magnets with 3 layers of 18awg PVC coated wire. I applied a pulse discharge cap to it, at a potential of around 9kv. The spark gap (high speed switch here, sillycon can’t switch the amperage) conducts and dumps the charge through the coil. I figure it’s sinking around 2000+ amps for maybe 1/100000th of a second. Result? Really loud boom from the sparkgap. 18awg wire blows off half it’s insulation and stretches to roughly an extra inch in diameter. The cylinder of magnets goes across the room faster than I can see, and whumps safely to a stop in a stack of pillows, rumpled sheets, and styrofoam. Very cool 🙂 I been doing this stuff for a few years, so I am very safe (2″ thick wooden box encased in cargo straps around the firing coil, spark gap enclosed in plywood box, target path cleared, target is up to the impact, и т.д. The magnets did a *LOT* better than I expected, but the acceleration or deceleration pulled the stack apart. And the magnets got very hot (hotter than I expected) from the eddy currents induced. All in all, it was a pure hoot.
  • Glue them to my shoes and walk on Ferromagnetic walls and ceilings
  • Safely removing parts from the punch press
  • Cleaning up chips in the machine shop.
  • hangin wet cloths
  • I use them on survey steaks so that metal detectors find them from a distance.
  • Diamagnetic Levitation
  • Tie clip
  • Violin mute. Put small discs on each side of the bridge to add mass and quiet the violin.
  • De couplers on my N scale model railroad
  • Slot car traction
  • Holding down a car cover!
  • Pulling dents
  • Holds the outhouse door shut.
  • To find steel pennies!
  • Attaching locating transmitters to motor vehicles.
  • Locating property corners
  • jewelry clasps
  • Hanging christmas lights
  • Walking arm electric motor
  • X-mas gifts!
  • Re-charging my alnico magnets-and shooting for a stronger charge from a Model “T” ford magneto.
  • Hanging tapestries in a warehouse.
  • attach them to the vacuum cleaner
  • mount my CB radio under the dash
  • magical illusion
  • meteorite stick
  • С 1 magnet and a ball bearing I remove dents from brass musical instruments.
  • I put them in my sluice box to seperate the magnetite from the gold.
  • instead of clasps on my jewel boxes.
  • security system
  • modern art displyinvolving an old TV, a stereo, and some strong magnets.
  • holding all the lathe tools to the lathe!
  • magnetize my tools
  • A cool clock ball bearing hands
  • magnetic stirring device
  • Building a chaotic pendulum
  • Bike light generator
  • Diamagnetic levitation demo
  • Finding studs through FRP plastic restaurant walls. (normal stud finders dont work)
  • Holding my beer serving trays to the ceiling.
  • Christmas presents!
  • Going to invent aFree Energy Machine”…Free energyfrom GOD.
  • model railroad
  • wind power alternator
  • magnetic tumbler for finishing jewelry
  • hold the cutout relay down on the model A
  • motor labs
  • Entertaining drunk people
  • alleviate joint pain
  • Hold a small vise down
  • welding
  • Picking up nails in the driveway
  • Highschool class project.
  • Hold lines and tape in place on steel hull when shipfitting.
  • Keeping the headliner up on my Ferrarri 250 PF coupe!
  • retrieving all the tools my helpers drop in the bay.I’m gonna glue them to their boots and make them walk the bay at low tide.
  • Cleaning nails from the horse pasture
  • Oil filter in my motorcycle
  • Guitar pickups
  • attaching certain tools under my hood
  • Holding the roof down on my shed
  • Holing safety shield on machine tools
  • Hang skillets.
  • Will use for holding Trailer lights on rv towed vehicle.
  • Levitation
  • Knife sheaths
  • To hold student utensil boxes to the wall in a ceramics studio in a non-profit Art Center.
  • For classroom demonstrations and to motivate students to study electricity and magnetism
  • Picking my keys out of the bottom of a pond
  • Treasure hunting
  • experimental loudspeakers
  • Attract members of the opposite sex-babe magnets
  • Nice big homemade ammeters
  • I invented a system to drasticly improve fuel milage. I stick a couple on my front bumper. When on the freeway, I accelerateinto the back of a large semi 18 wheeler. CLUNK-my car becomes attached. I then turn off my engine. Sure beats cruize control! A light tap of the brake pedal seperates me. ***THIS IS PROBABLY NOT LEGAL-AT LEAST IN MOST COUNTRIES-SO DONT TRY THIS AT HOME***
  • When camping-I hang my wet clothes from the van to dry, with magnets.
  • Cleaning up the oil in go-cart racing engines. Glue them inside!
  • Those little gold ones make great ear, nose, lip rings-dont even have to pierce myself!
  • I shall attempt to break all the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Biomagnetic therapy
  • Car Top advertizing signs
  • Holding license plates on my Jaguar XK-120
  • attach to the lawnmower
  • holding sheet metal together for welding
  • gold mining
  • planer knifesetting gage
  • dampning for seismograph
  • treasure hunting
  • attach a light fixture in my van
  • door latches on a rather elaborate treehouse
  • Системы безопасности
  • take over the world
  • hold down a tarp
  • magicians illusions
  • meteorite cane
  • science demo
  • draggin lakes for missing keys, lures, jewelry-etc
  • Use for a woodworking jig.
  • Hanging tools
  • Cleaning my fishtank glass-from the outside!
  • Stashing keys-and other stuff-in my car.
  • Hold string to steel hull of a boat for measurement
  • For the darkroom: to secure metal developing tank parts, reels, и т.д. To lock down metal wash tank doors instead of sticky bolt locks.
  • Testing magnetic therapy on my horse
  • Ill be attaching them to tools-to hold them in place.
  • Motor experiments
  • Magnetic levitation
  • education
  • pain therapy
  • Picking up nails in the pasture
  • Fishing for outboard motors
  • Anti-matter containment
  • Water Conditioning
  • Mounting specialized tools to safe doors for opening purposes. Need to fabricate for special situations.
  • just to screw around with
  • test purposes.
  • For fun!
  • Make fake plates
  • expierment
  • Have fun with them. And see how good they work for holding sheet metal in place for welding.
  • Recreational Entertainment
  • magic
  • longitudinal force experiments
  • to be more like Mr. Spock
  • fun
  • Just for fun. I have always been facinated by magnets. I own quite a few. Sometimes I make magic gizmos with them. Phil
  • Just to see how strong it is.I`ve allways been fasinated with magnets.
  • production jig fixture
  • I live on a boat and will use to retrieve dropped objects and to remove oil from my diesel engine
  • erasing tapes
  • experiment man, experiment
  • recharging alnico magnets
  • Magic use
  • entertainment
  • Parking lot clean up
  • Use on my helicopter.
  • Meteorite Lab
  • Only if you promise not to tell anyone! Perpetual motion machine…..
  • Look like neat project material. Outside of lost treasure and aches and pains, no other objectives at this time. Looking for discount for over $100 заказ.
  • We plan to use to secure tools, and also in machinery.
  • Welding materials positioner. Also possibly to re-build a permanent magnet chuck for a surface grinder which has lost its magnetism over the years.
  • научные эксперименты, Novelty
  • I will be using the magnets in my introductory psychology class. I will claim that I have the ability to move objects with the power of my pseudointeractive aura-vibe driven alternative consciousness(and a concealed magnet or two). The class will then critically analyze their observations and consider alternative hypothesis that do not defy the laws of physics. It is my optimistic hope that the students will apply what they have learned about critical thinking to this and the other pseudoscientific nonsense they encounter daily.
  • Remove metal debris from a well & collect scattered metal debris in my yard. (My yard used to be part of an old farm & there is old wire & misc farm implements scattered half buried on the property. Some larger items were thrown down a hand dug water well.)
  • science experiments with students
  • homemade alternator
  • Therapy
  • Experiment, education
  • household utility (sticking pans to the ceiling)
  • retrieving difficult to reach ferrous parts
  • science experiment involving cathode rays
  • magnetic therapy
  • Prototype for … (that would be telling)
  • Induced movement of 100 micron paramagnetic beads for biomedical applications
  • Erasing my wifes credit cards
  • for forth year project in E&E engineering
  • Instead of bolts
  • separating magnetic black sand from gold pan concentrates
  • setting planar blades
  • Meditation
  • refrigerator magnetswhy do you ask?
  • secure lathe tools to the lathe while turning on the lathe
  • tool storage, nails, screws, staples, whatever they will hold!
  • sticking BIG THINGS to the fridge
  • Experiment with levetation
  • 1. Experiments/Pranks 2. Clean Oil
  • Hello need rare earth magnets dimension: diameter 18mm by 5mm high, 50 куски.
  • I’ll use magnets to clean plastics granulate for molding.
  • Healing therapy
  • I will use them for welding and other
  • Chick magnetattract babes
  • summoning spirits
  • idustrial applications,Such as the repair of robotic equipment and for fishing parts out of paint tanks.
  • This is an experiment with small single cylinder enghines used for kart racing. If this works, I will need more.
  • Science projects
  • on my job
  • Personal Entertainment
  • none of your darned business
  • Holding a tarp down on to the truck
  • Holding my glove box closed
  • Welding

see more


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