100mm x 10mm x 5mm N35 Super Strong Strip Block Rare Earth Neodymium Magnet where to buy big magnets
- Rozmery:100mm long x 10mm width x 5mm thick large strong magnets
- Typ magnetov; Neodymium magnets large
- Materiál: NdFeB,Rare Earth Magnet
- stupňa: N35
- Pokovovanie / pokovovanie: Ni-Cu-Ni (Nikel)
- Smer magnetizácie: Magnetized through the thickness, the poles are on the 100 x 10mm surfaces.
- Hmotnosť(1 kus): 38g
- Max prevádzková teplota: 176ºF (80ºC)
- Výkon (Gauss): 3,044 Gauss
- Množstvo: 1 kus
- Vek:7+ vekov, pre deti aj dospelých
These thin rectangular Neodymium magnets are axially magnetised between the two 100mm x 10mm rectangular faces and provide a maximum pull of 12.4kg. Každý magnet má trojitú vrstvu niklu, opäť meď a nikel, aby sa zabránilo korózii. Our Neodymium magnets have many creative uses including model-making, theatre design, výroba nábytku, exhibitions, retail displays and packaging. Majú tiež mnoho použití v strojárstve a výrobe, kde sú potrebné malé rozmery a maximálna pevnosť. Čo je viac, vďaka svojej odolnosti voči demagnetizácii sú ideálne na vytvorenie efektu tlmenia nárazov alebo tlmenia pri použití na odpudzovanie iných magnetov. These magnets come with a safe-handling warning; because they are so powerful they can be dangerous if not handled carefully.
this blocks are made in grade N35 material. The SH material means that the magnets can be heated to 302° F (150° C) without any loss of magnetic strength, unlike standard neodymium magnets that begin to lose strength at 176° F (80° C). Suitable for many high temperature applications.
- All magnets may chip and shatter, but if used correctly can last a lifetime.
- Keep away from pacemakers.
- Not for children, parental supervision required.
- If damaged please dispose of completely. Shards are still magnetized and if swallowed can inflict serious damage if magnets join inside the digestive tract.
Overený zákazník –
Wow, these are really strong. Once stuck to a metal surface, takes a huge effort to get it off – I had to slide it off the side of my filing cabinet. Love it!
POZOR – keep these away from your credit cards!
Overený zákazník –
Great magnets. These are a lot of fun to use with projects. We make slime with iron filings in it and use these to play with it. Beware though, they come seperated by some plastic .. I would suggest storing them that way because they are hard to get apart once joined.
Overený zákazník –
These are the strongest magnets we have ever seen. Bought them for our daughters magnetic slime science fair project. Keep them apart once they are Speedtest because they are ridiculously strong. Excellent product!