Buy Neodymium Rod Magnets Super Strong Rare Earth Magnets 1/8″ Áno. x 3/8″ Thick Neo Craft Strong NdFeB Rare Eart Cylinder Magnets Sale Amazon 20 Balenie
These little neodymium rod (a.k.a. cylinder) magnets are probably unlike any magnet you have ever seen. They are very powerful little things that can form chains, but they also act in strange ways around larger magnets. Great for experimentation and learning about magnetism.
- Rozmery:1/8″ je. x 3/8″ hustý
- Tolerancie: ±0.002″ x ±0.002″
- Magnetická tvár: Axial Magnetized (Poles On the 1/8″ diameter face)
- Typ magnetov: Trvalé
- Materiál: NdFeB, Neodym
- Kompozitný: Neodymové magnety
- stupňa: N35
- Pokovovanie / Náter: Ni-Cu-Ni (Nickel-Plated)
- Smer magnetizácie: Axiálny(Poles on 1/8″ diameter face)
- Povrch Gauss: 4214 Gauss
- Max prevádzková teplota: 176ºF (80ºC)
- Množstvo: 20 Balenie
- Aplikácia: Craft Magnets, Magnety na chladničku, Kancelárske magnety
These little neodymium rod (a.k.a. cylinder) magnets are probably unlike any magnet you have ever seen. They are very powerful little things that can form chains, but they also act in strange ways around larger magnets. Great for experimentation and learning about magnetism.
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