5mm x 3mm N35 Super Strong Disc Rare Earth Neo Neodymium Magnets Nickel Plated Refrigerator Magnets D5x3mm tiny magnets for crafts
- Balenie 50
- 5mm x 3mm
- +/-0.05tolerancia mm
- North- South poles on opposite faces
- Vynikajúca odolnosť proti demagnetizácii
- Triple coated
These versatile magnets have uses in crafts, model-making as well as precision manufacturing where small size and maximum strength are required.
These Neodymium disc magnets are commonly used in creative applications such as model making, divadelný dizajn, furniture design, and exhibition stands. Majú tiež mnoho použití v strojárstve a výrobe, kde sú potrebné malé rozmery a maximálna pevnosť.
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