150x20x10mm thick Extremely Strong Neodymium Magnets Block N52 Large Magnets Wholesale large rectangular magnets 6 inch block magnets (150mm length x 20mm width x 10mm thick)
These huge blocks *MUST* be handled with extreme caution. These giant blocks are favorites of magicians and illusionists. They are incredibly powerful and should only be purchased by users familiar with the proper handling of large neodymium magnets. Two of these stuck together are virtually impossible to separate by hand. They can pinch and cause physical harm if they are not handled with extreme care and respect.
These thin rectangular Neodymium magnets are axially magnetised between the two 150mm x 20mm rectangular faces. Každý magnet má trojitú vrstvu niklu, opäť meď a nikel, aby sa zabránilo korózii. Our Neodymium magnets have many creative uses including model-making, theatre design, výroba nábytku, exhibitions, retail displays and packaging. Majú tiež mnoho použití v strojárstve a výrobe, kde sú potrebné malé rozmery a maximálna pevnosť. Čo je viac, vďaka svojej odolnosti voči demagnetizácii sú ideálne na vytvorenie efektu tlmenia nárazov alebo tlmenia pri použití na odpudzovanie iných magnetov. These magnets come with a safe-handling warning; because they are so powerful they can be dangerous if not handled carefully.
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