N52 Strong Round Cylinder Magnet 25.4mm x 6.35mm Rare Earth Neodymium Magnet
This is a very strong and sturdy neodymium disc magnet. With N52 strength, these magnets should not be taken lightly. They must be handled with care because they can quite easily give a nasty pinch if you get beween two of them. They are triple plated in black nickel which gives the discs an attractive, shiny black appearance. The DX04 is one of our best magician’s magnets because of it’s compact size and high strength-to-size ratio.
Tvar: Disk
stupňa: N52
Veľkosť: 25.4mm x6.35mm
Pokovovanie: Ni-Cu-Ni ( Nikel )
Materiál: NdFeB
Max Operating Temperature: 80°C/176°F
This disc magnet with a diameter of 25.4 mm and a height of 6.35 mm has an impressive adhesive force of approx. 9.87 kg for its size. It is used in industrial applications, in the office or for arts and crafts and DIY projects of all kinds.
1, Strong magnets should Keep away from Ironware and some? easily magnetized iron products, ako sú monitory, bankové karty, počítačov, televízory, mobilné telefóny a iné
2, Silné magnety by sa mali skladovať v suchu, vykurované prostredie, a je potrebné použiť plast, drevo, lepenka, penu oddeliť a zabaliť.
3, Magnety môžu ovplyvniť vodomer ,Elektromer, plynomer a niektoré meracie zariadenia majú určitý nepresný vplyv (Ako napr : ak sú magnety umiestnené v blízkosti meracieho prístroja, merač sa spomalí)
POZOR: Neodporúčame používať tento magnet deťom pod 5 bez dozoru!
Package Included:
2x Neodymium Magnet
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